We wish you the best for 2023, all in good health and financially succesful (of course)! The new year will no doubt be interesting on all fronts. It has not been boring the the last few years, I expect no difference in 2023. We plan to finish the renovations of the house, optimize our finances. Perhaps even find new employment (or some other challenge to make daily life more entertaining). Net Worth Drop Financially we dropped a bit in Net Worth/Cheesy Index terms (still need to calculate how much), obviously because of the purchase of the money pit and limited […]
Dutch Real Estate and proposed Taxes
As noted in another post a while back, the Dutch Real Estate investors are under attack. The question remains, do you (partially) sell and move on with your money. Or is an assessment of your portfolio from a tax perspective a good idea (it always is). But now with the aim to find the financially best mode of investment if you want to keep your real estate portfolio and retire on it. Box 1, 2 or 3? What tax changes, when and how much? Those are the first things we need to know. Box 1 and 2 change are likely […]
Real Estate Investing is under attack in the Netherlands
Catchy title, eh? But it is true! Today an short assessment why real estate Investing is under attack in the Netherlands. Why it is happening, why it is (partially) a good thing and why it is a sign to run for the hills. Dutch Real Estate Market The Dutch Real Estate market was red hot until about early 2022. Cheap mortages and high demand made for an explosion in housing prices. Pretty much the same as what happened in most of the world during the period 2017-2021. Now, real estate investors obviously made use of this (as did we, albeit […]
The Church of FIRE
A golden oldie, from the archieves (but slightly updated)! One that is worth reposting on the renewed blog. I’m a disciple of the Church of FIRE. I stick to its 10 commandments and rarely sin. Some say we are a cult, some say we are crazy & doomed, but we have faith in money! Oh, and our holy drink is brewed with love, just so you know. The Church of FIRE In case you are not familiar with the Church of FIRE. It is all about worshipping the mighty $ (or €/£/Etc.), its investment potential and it’s compounding effects. This elixir […]
Koos Werkeloos
Koos Werkeloos. Not sure what this directly translates to in English, but something like “Joe unemployed” probably. Unemployed I am! Mrs. CF is currently the family’s sole breadwinner. Why Unemployed? Why am I unemployed? Currently two reasons. I had a good gig going as an independent contractor, but unfortunately the project got shelved and I could not continue. There is still a chance that the project gets restarted, but no news so far. Still hoping that it does, would be fun and involve some international travel to places where it is a lot warmer than Dutch winters. But the chances […]
Un-FIRE yourself – a crash course
How to Un-FIRE yourself – a crash course. There are many ways to UN-FIRE oneself. By far the easiest one is to buy a house that is way too expensive. And that is exactly what we did! You can too 😉 It’s so great to be able to provide this useful financial information with a restarted blog! The Cheesy Index I’ve revived the Cheesy Index again, and… it is a bloodbath! We used to be able to get around with about €29.000-33.000 per year (we had little to no mortgage payments and are frugal most times). With the new money […]
2022 November Dividend Update
Welcome to December! Yup, I’m bringing these back. Not because we are actively investing in dividends shares, because we don’t (all cash is going to a money pit!). What I do like to showcase is the organic growth from a legacy portfolio started in 2015/2016, with no contributions since! For more history on what & how, see also our dividend portfolio page, this explains some other graphs below. Without further ado, here is the 2022 November Dividend Update. Dividend Income November is typically a very slow month as you can see in the graph below (relatively few companies distribute dividends […]