2022 November Dividend Update

Welcome to December! Yup, I’m bringing these back. Not because we are actively investing in dividends shares, because we don’t (all cash is going to a money pit!). What I do like to showcase is the organic growth from a legacy portfolio started in 2015/2016, with no contributions since! For more history on what & how, see also our dividend portfolio page, this explains some other graphs below. Without further ado, here is the 2022 November Dividend Update.

Dividend Income

November is typically a very slow month as you can see in the graph below (relatively few companies distribute dividends in the cycle Feb., May, August, Nov.). But in Euro terms, it still brings in more than €544 in money we didn’t have to work for. I call that a win. That being said, I’m very much looking forward to December!

Monthly distribution in Euros

Now, if you look at the YTD income, it starts to look like some serious income already! Mind you, this portfolio is currently our self-managed actual pension. So, it better improve on a yearly basis otherwise we are screwing future (retired) selves. Albeit we can access this money before age 65, we don’t want to touch this until we have very little Box 1 income.

Yearly dividends and YTD for 2022

If you take out the European shares we shortly held back in 2016/2017 (leaving Canadian shares only) and take away the Exchange rate fluctuation, you get this:

Yearly dividends and YTD for 2022 (Canadian shares only)

Want to see more of these pretty graphs, have a look at what Bob did! That’s just pure Dividend porn.

Sector distribution

We have a fairly conservative portfolio with many boring companies. When you plot them in a pie chart, you get this:

Dividends by Sector

We are currenlty happy with this distribution, but there are definitely changes expected in the future. Primarily depending on whether we all get serious with our carbon emissions. It is perhaps not a bad idea to take some profit from the energy sector and increase holdings in the financial sector.

Dividend Portfolio Details

Our dividend portfolio is held in two tax deferred accounts in Canada (RRSP’s). The current value before any withholding taxes and stock overview is provided below:

Dividend Portfolio & value