Life has been fun (new post “How to un-fire yourself: France Road Trip” is pending) and entertaining lately, hence planning a meetup got put on the backburner. But I’ve been getting multiple emails to do one again. So, here are the details for the upcoming October 2024 Fire Meetup!
I’ve been scouting La Place locations for a while now. Finding one that is reachable by both public transport and car, has long opening hours, has enough space to facilitate 20-25 people sitting together and is not too far a drive for us (yes, I’m lazy), is surprisingly difficult! Hence, plan is to meet once again at the La Place in Leiderdorp.
Address: Persant Snoepweg 2, 2353 KA , Leiderdorp

October 20th, 2024 from 13:00 onwards until…. (closing is at 20:00)
What to bring?
Good spirits, a desire to talk money, investing and life. Also bring a filled wallet (Going out for food and drinks is not cheap these days).
How to get there?
By car (free parking), by bicycle (also free parking) or by public transportation (go to Leiden Central Station and take bus 182, exit at Munnikenbrug).

No registration required, you just show up! But letting me know if you are coming by comment or email is always appreciated!
Leuk! Ik hoop er te zijn maar moet dan wel even schuiven.
Suvves met schuiven, hoop je dan weer te zien!
I will try to join. Dont speak Dutch but hope that not a problem
That’s absolutely no problem at all, see you there!
I’ll be able to attend this one.
Nice, see you there too!
Ik zie het nu pas, voor mij is het vanuit Noord-Limburg net even te ver vandaag. Hopelijk een volgende keer!
Hey Mandy, das wel een eind rijden inderdaad! Hopelijk zit een volgende meetup wel op gepaste afstand.
Goed weekend!
Tot vanmiddag, ik ben benieuwd!
Was gezellig toch?! dank voor het komen.
Zeker weten, we komen zeker vaker! Zo leuk om gelijkgestemden te ontmoeten.