It is that time of year again that is feared most by cats and dogs: New Year’s Eve (or “Oudejaarsdag” in Dutch). The time of year when the Netherlands goes crazy and vaporizes about 118 Million Euros in the name of fun and tradition. It is by far the best way to see your money go up in smoke! How to vaporize money, a crash course. As a frugal family, we should obviously not spend any money on this non-sense. Don’t get me wrong, I (Mr. CF) still have a soft spot for fireworks (something to do with childhood memories). And […]
How to Un-FIRE yourself: part 3 – Tour de France!
Our history with trying to un-FIRE ourselves has been hit-and-miss. The Money-pit was definitely a big hit. The Paris trip was okay-ish. We tried, but were still fairly frugal overall. How did we do on our 4-week “Tour de France”. Let’s have a quick look in this edition of “How to Un-FIRE yourself: part 3 – Tour de France!”. Tour de France in Numbers The numbers: What was the plan and what did we do? We did an ad-hoc road trip. How ad-hoc? We only booked the first 4 nights before we left (about a week before) and nothing else. […]
Adult Life Bingo
A spoke with a colleague the other day about his new house. At some point he mentioned that his wife had completed the adult life bingo (“Grote mensen bingo”) this year. They had gotten their first kid, moved to a new house together and she landed a dream job. Their life was good and he was visibly happy. How do you win adult life bingo? His comment made me chuckle, but also triggered some thoughts about adult life bingo. What is on this bingo card? Or what should be on this bingo card? My guess is that the bingo card […]
How to Un-FIRE yourself: part 2 – Go to Paris!
In the docu-series how to un-fire yourself: Part 2 – go to Paris! A quick guide today how to un-fire oneself fast. It’s really not that difficult to be honest, one just needs to get him/herself to Paris for a few days and it magically happens by itself! How to Un-FIRE yourself It is surprisingly easy to Un-fire yourself. Buy a big house, buy spreadsheets for your finances or go to Paris. Today in this crash-course how to unload nearly €1.600 in just 5 days! How did we do that? Well, let’s have a look! Go to Paris! To start […]
Should you buy a Castle?
Me and Mrs CF just spent a night in a large manor close to Haarlem. It was a surprise “date night” by Mrs CF. She really knows how to make my heart go a bit faster 😁. I love castles! We did a FIRE meetup once in one. But we could never make one work financially for ourselves. We could probably buy one, but it would likely bankrupt us in the long run. So here is a post I wrote a few years back if you should buy a castle (note that some of the numbers and linke might not […]
The Church of FIRE
A golden oldie, from the archieves (but slightly updated)! One that is worth reposting on the renewed blog. I’m a disciple of the Church of FIRE. I stick to its 10 commandments and rarely sin. Some say we are a cult, some say we are crazy & doomed, but we have faith in money! Oh, and our holy drink is brewed with love, just so you know. The Church of FIRE In case you are not familiar with the Church of FIRE. It is all about worshipping the mighty $ (or €/£/Etc.), its investment potential and it’s compounding effects. This elixir […]