
2024 Dividend Overview

So close, we came so close! We almost made it to the magic number of an average dividend income of €1.000 / month (before taxes). Almost! But alas, it was not to be this year. Next year I bet you we will make it (if our dividend growth is any indication). Without further delay, here is our 2024 dividend overview! Dividend Income We saw pretty much continuous monthly records (ignoring the occasional special dividends) throughout 2024. Which is wonderful and very much motivational. It also means that the reinvesting of dividends is working and that monthly/quarterly dividends are increasing too. […]


Q3 2024 Dividend Update

Before reviewing the Q3 2024 Dividend Update, quick reminder that there will be another FIRE meetup on October 20th in Leiderdorp. Hope to see you all there of course! It’s been an entertaining 6 months since the last dividend update. I had actually been keeping track, but could find the time to make a post about it. There has been two attempts to un-fire ourselves in the mean time. One in Paris, and one in France and 5 neighboring countries. But both failed. I became a public servant, which is entertaining to say the least. One major take-away there, a […]


Q1 2024 Dividend Update

Before reviewing the Q1 2024 Dividend Update, quick reminder that there will be a FIRE meetup on April 20th near Utrecht. Hope to see you all there of course! Life has been eventful lately, and the money pit is very much improving at the moment. Albeit we are doing really well, it doesn’t look like we will be completely finished before I attempt life as a public servant. Fortunately, the new employer has a good work life balance scheme 🙂 So, I’m fairly confident that we will be able to finish the remaining works before the next winter season (works […]


May 2023 dividend update

May is typically one of the slower months of the year from a dividend perspective. But we still received a total of €556 in dividends for the month. No complaining here! Now that we also sold a lot of our real estate, one of the considerations is to start buying a few more dividend generating shares. Anyhow, here is the May 2023 dividend update. Dividend Income No major changes or dividend modification this month. Nice and boring, but again more dividends than the year before! We reached our $1000 threshold again in cash, and bought some BCE (Bell) shares. We […]


April 2023 dividend update

Oh boy is our money pit taking up a lot of time and effort! But progress is being made and we have a new roof, windows and the outside is being improved at the moment. Hence, didn’t have much time (or energy) to blog. But fortunately the passive income continues to flow in! Love dividends. Here is the April 2023 dividend update. Dividend Income April is typically a pretty good month. However, the year over year growth limited this time, which had it’s primary cause in AQN slashing it’s dividend by 40%. It hurts a bit, might have had to […]


February 2023 Dividend Update

Welcome to March! February was pretty uneventful for us. Not a bad month perse, but just not a lot going on. The home renovations are progressing slowly, but are still progressing! Our dividend portfolio did the same, no major movements but still a steady climb year of year on monthly basis (special dividends not taken into consideration). Anyhow, here is the February 2023 dividend update. Dividend Income February is typically a slower month. But looking at this past month, a “slow” month is now providing more income than a “good” month a few years back. Isn’t organic dividend growth great? […]


January 2023 dividend update

Welcome to February! Boy, does life go fast when you get older… For those who complete Dry January successfully, well done! Without further delay, here is the January 2023 dividend update. Dividend Income In 2023 started again with another €1000+ month in dividend income terms. We continue the trend that we stated in 2022 with many months bringin in over €1000 in dividend income, and we like it! Add all this up and you get this yearly overview (in Euro’s): 2022 has been a very good year to say the least. We hope that 2023 will still beat it though. […]


December 2022 Dividend Update

Welcome to 2023! Today a quick look at the December 2022 dividend update and the overall yearly numbers of course. It’s been a great month and year, albeit the exchange rate had some impact to prevent a record month in euro terms. We did actually pull it off in CAD: $1505 in labor free income in December. Lovely. Dividend Income In 2022 we hit 8 months with more than €1.000 in divided income, which is an absolute record. In the previous years we didn’t even manage to get to that monthly number! Now, one month has it’s cause in a […]


2022 November Dividend Update

Welcome to December! Yup, I’m bringing these back. Not because we are actively investing in dividends shares, because we don’t (all cash is going to a money pit!). What I do like to showcase is the organic growth from a legacy portfolio started in 2015/2016, with no contributions since! For more history on what & how, see also our dividend portfolio page, this explains some other graphs below. Without further ado, here is the 2022 November Dividend Update. Dividend Income November is typically a very slow month as you can see in the graph below (relatively few companies distribute dividends […]