
No Longer Koos Werkeloos!

Quick service announcement. I really suck at this whole FIRE thing, seriously no idea what I’m doing. We first bought a million euro plus money pit and now I go back to work! So, I’m no longer Koos Werkeloos. One does relate to the other… Despite the fact that we could live in the money pit on one income. We have depleted our cash reserves quite a bit due to the renovations (which are still under budget, surprisingly) and lack of income from my end the past year. It got so bad that we only had about €4-5k left on […]


Koos Werkeloos

Koos Werkeloos. Not sure what this directly translates to in English, but something like “Joe unemployed” probably. Unemployed I am! Mrs. CF is currently the family’s sole breadwinner. Why Unemployed? Why am I unemployed? Currently two reasons. I had a good gig going as an independent contractor, but unfortunately the project got shelved and I could not continue. There is still a chance that the project gets restarted, but no news so far. Still hoping that it does, would be fun and involve some international travel to places where it is a lot warmer than Dutch winters. But the chances […]